Friday, June 24, 2005

One & Zero

       One and zero. These numbers are being employed to qualify and quantify aspects of God’s omni – presence, - potence, - science. This reasoning of these numbers “one” and “zero” are not an attempt to limit God. They are, rather, to explain His limitless power.
       You see, in the use of the number one, there is always a more elaborative and inclusive portrait that is being painted. Nothing, from the smallest to the greatest element of matter or time or space or energy stands alone. It can always be grouped in with something more profound or extensive than itself. Making a collaborative body of one which, in turn links with others like it or at least relative to it and again sovereignty is stripped away thus seceding to the enjoinment that brings it to oneness again and again. This cycle endlessly continues until it reaches the threshold of God. We know that He “is in all and through all” and thus the cycle ends. Knowing “the end from the beginning” He alone can stand without being enjoined to anything or anyone. It is also written, “There is none beside me.” Whether speaking of marbles or planets, they can all be classified together into something more complex than themselves when their own complexities are compared and contrasted with other elements of similar creation. The number “one” stands alone and holds within it, limitless dimensions. In fact, being dimensionless, it is the closest mankind will ever come in this life to comprehending the transcendent nature of infinity.
       As for “zero”, in the finiteness of human logic, we also fall unyieldingly short of discerning what oblivion really is. What the naked eye may see and register as empty, void or vanished, may in fact hold incomparable and unparalleled matter, energy or other sorts of particles as such. Secular science holds that “matter can neither be created nor destroyed” claiming that everything came from nothing. Yet we know that negatives lie in the theoretical, and have not been proven to create anything. Even so, they seal their own fate either way. One thing always breaks down into another. It is conjunctive with displacement. It is said that “seeing is believing” but what is seen (or unseen) does not equate to truth necessarily.
       We are told to fear “the One who can destroy both the body and the soul” and as said, so we should. For the infinite One, that is Christ, who created all that is from what once was nothing has the right to make it as void as it once was.

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